Monday, January 11, 2010


Silence & Noise Strong Shoulder Dress – $58.


“[Your Name], think out side the box.”

Ahh, I stumbled across this dress when I was Internet shopping and all i could say about this dress is hot. Although it’s a fashion throwback (from the 80s) this dress is edgy, different (of which reminds me of Lady Gaga), and most of all, chic.

Anyways, when I was reading the reviews on the dress (more like scanning through) people say that they don’t like how the shoulders stick out alot and causes so much attention. Well, I personally think:”You shouldn't have bought it.” Not to be mean, but HELLO! If you didn’t know by now, it is an BOLD dress just as you were BOLD enough to buy it. I can’t stress it enough (and i see it everyday!) that people are afraid to be different. I’am peeved (even to say) that when i see people with the same thing on, or even worst—they go ahead and get the same thing what I wear! Afraid of judgement, criticism, or even rejection maybe? Individuality is the qualities that set one person or thing off from all others; the quality or state of being an individual. Take this from a trendsetter and go for it.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Fashion is about being bold and different, don't be scared! Just do it!
